We might think that our homes or working places is safe. But is it? Actually, it contains a more diverse population of microbes than the dirt outside. Some microorganisms are able to survive on hard surfaces for several weeks – even months! And we are touching them thousands of times during the day… touching things that someone else already touched!
Keeping our homes and working places ‘germs-clean’ is super important these days. Especially if someone from our family or work recently suffered an illness. A key responsibility right after getting them healthy is preventing the illness from spreading to others.
UVC light is chemical free and totally safe for the environment and bad for germs! It is known that UV light is used for air and surface disinfection in hospitals, care homes, laboratories (no more words need here!).
How it works? Pathogens & bacterias are much smaller than human cells, so far-UVC light can reach their DNA and kill them. It can even neutralize “superbugs” that have developed a resistance to antibiotics!
When the sterilization is completed, the ozone can be quickly oxidized and decomposed without residual and secondary pollution, which will not cause harm to human body.
The far-UVC light bulbs that were only available to the organizations where hygiene and cleanliness are of utmost importance is now available for everyone!
We are talking about Sterilize-X™ lamp – a genius invention that has a deadly effect on microorganisms and mold. Main features:
Sterilize-X™ uses ultraviolet and ozone (x2 effective!!!) disinfection;
Large capacity battery with a number of uses per charge;
Put it in your pocket and carry with you.
➠ Press button for 3 seconds, the light flashes blue;
➠ The lamp will light up automatically after 30 seconds (you have enough time to leave the room);
➠ After 30 minutes Sterilize-X™ automatically shuts down;
➠ Return to the room and enjoy safe & clean air!
Sure, MOST of the time you don’t get sick, but it only takes ONE time to catch a potentially harmful illness!
Sterilize-X™ has been sold like crazy, but the stock will not last long because it’s limited. I recommend ordering it while it is still available. It is best to purchase the product directly from the manufacturer.
All content and media on the Sterilize-X is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Scientific laboratory testings do show that UVC light, like the one radiated by Sterilize-X, are able to inactivate and kill up to 99% of viruses, bacteria, mold, mildew and fungi under perfect laboratory conditions, however individual effects and results may vary.
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